The sexual desire of both males and females can be fragile, complex and complicated. It is more related to psychology than biology. It is vital to understand how the two partners feel about each other’s lovemaking style.
It is a scientifically proven fact that sexual desires in females are lower than that of males. Men are more aroused than women. So this drop in the sexual desires of the females can be a difficulty in the relationships. A person lack of sexual desire could become a problem for the other partner. There could be a lot of disparities in the sexual relationships between a man and a woman. It seems to be a very common issue these days. It becomes tough to handle the situation when it diminishes the quality of any one of the partners’ life. Some sexual disparities are results of low diet food, stress due to work pressure and regular habits of smoking and drinking. To Fulfillment the sexual desire of your partner take help of herbal medicine for sexually long time.