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Sleep Disorders and Fertility

Writer's picture: sunitafemesunitafeme

The relationship between sleep and fertility is largely unknown. However women health and well being is affected by sleep deprivation. Reproductive and endocrine functions are dependent on sleep cycles and relaxation of mind. Disorders of menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause are closely related with the sleep pattern in women. Sleep deprivation and stress have been related to infertility in both men and women. Fragmented sleep patterns affect the fertility hormone secretion directly. There is more chances of pregnancy related mishap in women working in shifts. Problems with fertility, conception, implantation, gestation, delivery, and/or neonatal health are among the common problems.

Among both women and men, it is well established that sleep disorders, particularly insomnia, contribute to health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, glucose intolerance, depression, and anxiety disorders. Specific to women, sleep disturbances coincide with premenstrual dysphoria, pregnancy, postpartum depression, and the menopausal transition. Problems with fertility, conception, implantation, gestation, delivery, and/or neonatal health seem to be affected by sleep patterns. Adverse reproductive health outcomes like menstrual irregularities, dysmenorrhea, infertility, repeated miscarriages, lower birth weights are some of the related complications.

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